"I know that veterans and national service alumni have the proven leadership skills necessary to put country over party and fix our broken politics. I am proud to support New Politics and serve the New Politics Leadership Council on the mission to engage more servant leaders to revitalize our democracy."


alan khazei

Alan Khazei is a social entrepreneur who has pioneered ways to empower citizens to make a difference. He is the Founder and CEO of Democracy Entrepreneurs a new organization which nurtures the exciting new movement of democracy entrepreneurship focused on building a more inclusive, participatory and just democracy. Mr. Khazei is also the Founder of Be The Change, Inc., which developed three campaigns: Opportunity Nation, to promote social mobility and expand opportunity; Got Your 6, to empower post 9/11 Veterans to lead a resurgence of community; and Service Year Alliance, to promote a year of national service as a civic rite of passage. Mr. Khazei is also the Co-Founder and former CEO of City Year, which unites young adults, ages 17 to 24, from all backgrounds for an intensive year of full-time community service mentoring, tutoring, and educating children. City Year served as the model for President Clinton’s AmeriCorps program. Mr. Khazei is also the author of Big Citizenship: How pragmatic idealism can bring out the best in America.