Candidate for Indiana State House District 88

Stephanie Jo Yocum is a candidate for Indiana Representative for House District 88. She was born and raised in Marion, Indiana and obtained a degree in Anthropology at Hanover College in Southern Indiana. A daughter of a school teacher and a police officer, she proudly followed her parents’ example of public service by joining AmeriCorps after college. Her AmeriCorps experience led to a 20+ year career of public service in leadership roles for large non-profits focused on healthcare and education. Along with her alumni status in Americorps, Stephanie Jo is the Chair of the governor-appointed commission on volunteerism and service, Serve Indiana, and a member of Chief, a national network focused on connecting and empowering executive women leaders. She currently resides on the northeast side of Indianapolis with her spouse, Jim and daughter, Betti.

Stephanie Jo for State House ⭢