Candidate for Stockton City Council, District 4
Coro Fellow

Mario Enríquez is a proud son of immigrants, a first-generation college student, and a public servant who is prepared to bring fresh, new ideas to the Stockton City Council.

Inspired by his mother’s hard work and sacrifice, Mario has served underserved communities from organizing at El Concilio and UnidosUS (the nation’s largest Latino civil rights organization), to a directorship at the LGBTQ+ Victory Institute. He now lives in Stockton and works at his alma mater, University of the Pacific, as a leadership professor and the Director of the Center for Identity & Inclusion.

Mario is running for City Council because we all deserve a safer, stronger Stockton. He is committed to working hard to improve police staffing and training, along with mental health and emergency shelter services for unhoused Stocktonians. Mario will prioritize modernizing Stockton’s infrastructure, fixing our potholes, building lighted crosswalks, and strengthening levees against floods and other future climate disasters. Additionally, he will work to incentivize local businesses and beautify our storefronts and roads, especially in key areas like the Miracle Mile and Yosemite Street Village.Mario will model transparency and build trust in Stockton’s government. He believes everyone should be able to engage with our public officials and understand where our tax dollars are going.