Kentucky’s 75th State House District

Lindsey Burke is the Managing Attorney at a nonprofit law office she founded in 2017. That organization provides affordable civil legal services for people with low-to-moderate income, and is dedicated to meeting the needs of those left-behind. Lindsey serves as a Guardian ad Litem in Fayette County Mental Health Court, and also has served as a Task Force Leader for the Kentucky Supreme Court’s Access to Justice Commission.

She earned a J.D. from University of Cincinnati, a Master of Social Service Administration from University of Chicago, and a Bachelor of Social Work from Florida State University. She has participated in nonpartisan issue organizing with Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and has worked at Lexington Rescue Mission, providing a range of social services to people experiencing homelessness and those who are marginally housed. Lindsey has twice served in AmeriCorps.

Lindsey has been serving marginalized communities in a variety of capacities for over 20 years and continues to give a voice to the voiceless. She is a native of Lexington where she is active in her community, serving on several nonprofit boards and committees.

Lindsey Burke for House of Representatives ⭢