Barre City, Vermont
Peace Corps

My wife and I moved to Vermont twelve years ago. We met serving in the United States Peace Corps as volunteers in Morocco. I attended UVM to get a degree in Public Administration, and my wife went to Vermont Law School.

I’ve worked as a town administrator and official for many communities across Vermont. I’ve worked for Pomfret, Calais, and Essex Junction. I lived and served as the Planning Commission Chair in Marshfield for several years. I now serve as the Barre City CVFiber representative. I worked for years as a municipal advocate for the Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT). At VLCT I represented Vermont communities on issues like transportation and public safety. I helped write legislation during that time.

Governor Shumlin appointed me to the Vermont Communications Board. I have also served on the Board of Directors at Twin Valley Senior Center. In addition, I helped found the Vermont Highway Safety Alliance.

For the last four years I have worked at the Vermont Foodbank, located in Barre. The Vermont Foodbank partners with hundreds of nonprofits to distribute food and supplies. This includes a dozen or so nonprofits right here in Barre. It also operates food distribution programs at places like schools and hospitals.

At the Vermont Foodbank I serve as the Senior Grants and Contracts Manager. In this role, I find millions of dollars of funds so the Foodbank can serve the entire state of Vermont. In normal years the Foodbank serves 153,000 people statewide. That number has increased a lot since the pandemic began.

My wife, my two dogs Pearl and Winslow, and I live in Barre City. In our free time we like to hike and play board games together and with friends. I also like to play music (guitar and banjo), paint, write fiction, and volunteer.

Jonathan for State House ⭢