Candidate for Delaware State House, District 3

Service: Public Allies

Branden Fletcher Dominguez is an Afro-Latino organizer and advocate with experience fighting for housing rights, fees & fines reform, and ending gun violence in Delaware. He is running to represent the third district in Wilmington to fight for open streets, environmental justice, universal health care, and investing in young people. As a community organizer, Branden brings people together to hold power accountable and has been a leader in the movement to pass basic tenant protections. Branden founded a grassroots advocacy non-profit that has served his Westside community through AmeriCorps’ Public Allies program and continues to unite his neighbors to advance change throughout the 3rd District.

In 2021, after seeing neighbors in his building be displaced, Branden started tenant organizing to help them navigate the complex systems of an eviction. His work with the Eviction Defense Project and policy advocacy led to the Delaware Supreme Court allowing for Qualified Tenant Advocates to represent Tenants in eviction cases at court, increasing tenant access to legal aid. Branden has spent his entire life organizing to actualize a better future that we all deserve, one where we all have what we need to thrive, not just survive. He will bring that energy to the legislature.

Branden for Deleware State House⭢